Top 5 best places that hire felons


Finding a job with a criminal record is a difficult task while a few companies that hire felons. There is a movement now if you are a felon you have equal opportunity on the job market. These 5 companies hire felons and this blog will provide you all pieces of information that you want. 


Walmart is one of the top MNCs in the world and the authority is also good in the market. If you have a criminal record in the background you might consider this company and also the chances are higher to get selected but no guarantee for positions. Moreover, the organization doesn't have a unique program for criminals, which will in general make a detaching experience.

2. Amazon

Another big MNC that has been offering employment to felons. Indeed not supportive as Walmart, because this company hires based on background criminal cases. Even though Amazon's work policy doesn't discriminate people with lawful offense feelings. If you do have a criminal record, there are plenty of jobs in amazon and are consider applying like many warehouses positions.

3. The Military

Another great job for felons to consider applying is the United States  Military. Similar to Amazon, Miltary hires based on background criminal cases. There are very few chances to get employment within the Military. Also, the Military will likewise consider your age at the time that you committed the crime and your ethical history. The term ethical history refers to having a habit of offensive or criminal behavior.


Among the Companies, Facebook is one of the companies that hire felons. If you are interested to work in the Tech an IT field, there are tons of positions in this field which you can choose by yourself. Also, Facebook provides conveyance and other facilities to their employees. Facebook is as supportive as Walmart


Apple is one of the most innovative and eco-friendly company. The organization is exceptionally respected for its ecosystem and varied assortment of scholars and practitioners. If you are keenly interested in technology, Apple has a huge amount of positions for you and a wonderful workplace. Your criminal records may not get you employment within the company but if you have that potential, skills, and knowledge then you might have chances to be selected.


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